Knowing when to jump on the bandwagon
News hijacking or issues response (IR) is a very effective way to gain exposure, establish your company as an industry expert and more importantly; generate coverage. For PRs it can be fun and demonstrate to your client the key skills and attributes of a PR professional: having your finger on the pu...
Continue reading...Crisis communications and saying sorry: not just when, but how
We say sorry tens of times a day. ‘Sorry’ for bumping into someone in the street when it’s not our fault, ‘sorry, I didn’t quite catch that’ when you simply can’t hear; and of course we apologise for a perfectly legitimate complaint, ‘I’m sorry, but my soup is cold’. Perhaps our unique British polit...
Continue reading...Tech PR: what the bleep is it exactly?
A few weeks back, Ana provided some tips for graduates looking to crack that tricky first step into PR. Amongst the points raised; she flagged that the candidate’s ability to define PR is a key question that will be asked at interview stage. It’s one that I distinctly remember being asked myself i...
Continue reading...Get away from her, you pitch!
As an ex-teacher I’m well aware of how a good metaphor can be a vital aid to learning. It’s the principle that means a new superhero film will be accompanied by pieces along the lines of What Can Batman Teach Business (which never seem to mention lesson 1: make sure you have near-limitless funds at...
Continue reading...Top tips for interviews and getting into technology PR
A report earlier this year claimed PR was the 5th most stressful job alongside firefighters and the military. Given that no-one’s life is at risk I'm not sure how much I'd agree with this but that said it is certainly an exciting and varied job with a lot of potential rewards, including helping ch...
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