By Alex

RIP Google Reader – but RSS remains an important PR tool

There was plenty of hullabaloo across the PR and journalist community last month with the announcement that Google was killing off Google Reader from the start of July.  Indeed for many users (including me) the popular RSS reader was one of the main sources of keeping updated on the latest news. ...

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Budgeting Technology – a cut below the rest?

Last week, the 2013 Budget was announced or rather, was leaked by a certain London newspaper, amidst much speculation and high expectations from the tech sector. However, despite much talk from the Chancellor about the pivotal role that technology is expected to play in boosting the UK's ailing...

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Knowing when to jump on the bandwagon

News hijacking or issues response (IR) is a very effective way to gain exposure, establish your company as an industry expert and more importantly; generate coverage. For PRs it can be fun and demonstrate to your client the key skills and attributes of a PR professional: having your finger on the pu...

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By Michelle

Crisis communications and saying sorry: not just when, but how

We say sorry tens of times a day. ‘Sorry’ for bumping into someone in the street when it’s not our fault, ‘sorry, I didn’t quite catch that’ when you simply can’t hear; and of course we apologise for a perfectly legitimate complaint, ‘I’m sorry, but my soup is cold’. Perhaps our unique British polit...

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By Tristan

Tech PR: what the bleep is it exactly?

A few weeks back, Ana provided some tips for graduates looking to crack that tricky first step into PR. Amongst the points raised; she flagged that the candidate’s ability to define PR is a key question that will be asked at interview stage. It’s one that I distinctly remember being asked myself i...

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