Online news consumption - good things can come from change

Since the demise of Google Reader  114,755 people have laid a flower in Slate’s Google Graveyard for it.  While there was some very vocal outrage at the initial announcement, with a petition to save the service reaching just over 100,000, it was never going to happen.

In reality I think the news...

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By Tristan

The proof is in the pudding

Proof reading is a wonderful (if occasionally tedious) thing. In the PR industry, there are many essential attributes that make us good at what we do; and one of those is a scrupulous attention to detail. It’s all well and good being able to draft a piece of writing that would leave Shakespeare hims...

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By Michelle

How to win at social media with the Clintons

You may have seen recently that Hillary Clinton became the latest of the Clinton Clan to join Twitter, following in the footsteps of husband Bill and daughter Chelsea. And whichever PR pro helped Hillary launch her first tentative social footsteps was something of a genius, she may have only twe...

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By Dom

Console Wars Redux: where exactly is the war won?

Normally the format of this blog would be simple: take an existing news story or other item (in this case last week’s excitement around E3) and weave a handy lesson in PR or technology around it.

However, this year I quite frankly don’t know where to start. Was Microsoft’s launch and showing of...

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