You're not worth a penny!

On a recent flight to L.A. I read a fascinating article in the _Financial Time_s concerning the business of data brokering. For those unaware, data brokerages are essentially firms that scour the web in search of people’s personal data, which they sort into various categories and then sell to bu...

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Microsoft – Can it win back the consumer?

A couple of months ago Dom talked about the next-generation console war which is brewing. The launch of Xbox One was criticised by many gaming experts for its new policies, including an online requirement and more restrictive sharing and used-games policies. These policies pointed towards a shif...

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By Ana

The dreaded M word - 4 ways to measure PR

Prospective and existing clients often ask us: how do you measure PR and more generally success? While clearly not the easiest of tasks, as we all know PR is inherently hard to measure; my top 4 ways to measure success would be as follows:

Customer leads and increased awareness – Albeit not an...

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