A campaign to geek up the glossies

I read an opinion piece last week in The Guardian from Belinda Parmar, the CEO of Lady Geek, a campaigning agency inspiring women to change the world through technology.

Parmar’s article berates the women’s glossy magazine industry for their lack of technology focussed content. While I can agr...

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Technology PR: we mean business

One of the things that I love most about working in technology PR is the knowledge that the companies, products and services that we work with are in no uncertain terms, changing the world. This may sound like a grand claim, but I stand by it. Rather than PR-ing baked beans, nappies, or celebrity pe...

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Energy firms are seldom in the news for good reason, receiving regular berating from the public. Good PR for them is hard to come by. Recently, British Gas announced an eye watering 9.2% price increase, just in time for winter, and caught headlines once again. But, it also announced a live Twitte...

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By Tristan

5 common myths about technology PR

Like most walks of life, the humble technology PR pro (although the use of the term ‘pro’ suggests perhaps we’re not so humble) is subject to fairly widespread misinterpretation about what it is we actually do. Shows like Sex in the City and have probably done a great deal for the coffers of aca...

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