By Kewal

Press coverage is a competitive business in tech PR

We all know how tough the current media landscape is, but when we are talking about competition we mean Friday afternoons at Spark.  Since the agency started we’ve awarded a highly prized cup (It’s only a small gold painted plastic thing) to the best piece of client coverage achieved that week.  Eac...

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Tablets – the race to the bottom

Recently I’ve been looking at getting a tablet, mainly for reading and watching movies, but I’ve noticed the one thing is the price difference between the top end tablets like the new iPad mini 2 retina display and other tablets such as Google Nexus or Samsung Galaxy Tab. Such is the fast paced te...

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Stop! Yammer Time

We have recently been trialling Yammer in the office as an internal communications tool. Anyone working in PR (or any office job for that matter) will know that the unassuming inbox has become the de facto place to store, manage, share and access documents, as well as a tool used to chat to collea...

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By Alex

What a tech PR wants for Christmas

Now we are in December I think it is finally acceptable to talk about Christmas.  As per family tradition there have been a number of Christmas lists doing the rounds on email (no surprising presents in the Crawshaw household on December 25th!) but it made me think what would be on my list to improv...

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You don’t have to be a mind reader

Last week I saw a story saying for the first time researchers will attempt to image the brains of shoppers in an attempt to understand their shopping behaviour. While this seems like a story from a Sci-Fi movie, researchers from Bangor University and the shopping behaviour specialists SBXL will as...

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