The Budget’s best tech PR story – Can Britannia rule the Big Data wave?
One of the most interesting announcements from last week’s budget was the foundation of the Alan Turing Institute.
Many of our clients have a Big Data story, whether it is security clients that can talk about how Big Data analysis can bolster security or analytics clients that can talk about s...
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Top 6 mobile apps for a tech PR
As I have recently upgraded my iPhone (and it is my turn to write something for the Spark blog!), I thought I’d take a look at what are some of the essential mobile apps when working in tech PR. The below is in no real order and for simplicity I’ve kept it to iOS apps – so apologies in advance Andr...
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6 Reasons Why London is Great for PR
Last week like many Londoners, I was impressed with watching the BBC’s “Mind The Gap: London vs the rest” and its explanation of why London is such a hub for so many people and businesses. It was very interesting to hear facts like London is responsible for over a fifth of the country’s wealth, 4...
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Q&A with Retail Technology editor, Miya Knights
I recently chatted to Miya Knights, editor of Retail Technology about the magazine, the tech PR community and broader opportunities to create dialogue for clients. Below Miya has been kind enough to share some of her thoughts with us in a Q&A:
Can you tell us a little about the Retail Technolog...
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PR: Coverage, at any cost?
They say that there is no such thing as bad PR. Are they right?
Last week was an interesting and revelatory week in PR-world. A PR company asked journalists, in writing, to guarantee that they would tweet using their clients hashtag and twitter handle in exchange for tickets to the BRITS. This r...
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