Crowdfunding – What is it and is it worth it?

Over the last few years crowdfunding has become more popular with tech companies for helping them to launch their products. Anyone with an idea for a project can set up a page on sites such as Kickstarter, outlining their vision and how much money they need to make it a reality.

Projects on Kick...

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By Alex

Top 6 mobile apps for a tech PR

As I have recently upgraded my iPhone (and it is my turn to write something for the Spark blog!), I thought I’d take a look at what are some of the essential mobile apps when working in tech PR.  The below is in no real order and for simplicity I’ve kept it to iOS apps – so apologies in advance Andr...

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6 Reasons Why London is Great for PR

Last week like many Londoners, I was impressed with watching the BBC’s “Mind The Gap: London vs the rest”  and its explanation of why London is such a hub for so many people and businesses. It was very interesting to hear facts like London is responsible for over a fifth of the country’s wealth, 4...

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