The diverse skills required for working in tech PR

It’s that time of year again when students are finishing up with their final exams, and getting ready to join the ‘real world’. Many are considering their next move, and technology PR is a great industry for any graduate to consider. Our industry thrives off diversity – you don’t have to be a PR or...

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Knowing your aaS from your elbow

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and that holds true in technology PR as with other professions. Calling journalists and then not being able to explain what the client does or articulate why they should be writing about them is a definite no-no. Yet there are always cases mentioned of PRs p...

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By Kewal

Product PR – Does it still work?

Over the last month or two, I’ve had a number of conversations with new clients or prospects who have all asked the question: Does product PR still work? They’ve gone on to talk about how they’ve received advice in the past that journalists don’t really cover product and service stories anymore and...

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By Lauren

Is your CEO making the most of social media as a PR platform?

The short answer is probably no.  Theories abound as to why CEOs aren’t participating and if I had to pick a front-runner I’d say it’s the perception of ROI.  LinkedIn disagree and believe that if you use the platform in the right way you will engage with the right people.  Evidence from Linke...

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