Top 6 mobile apps for a tech PR

As I have recently upgraded my iPhone (and it is my turn to write something for the Spark blog!), I thought I’d take a look at what are some of the essential mobile apps when working in tech PR. The below is in no real order and for simplicity I’ve kept it to iOS apps – so apologies in advance Android users if a couple of the apps I mention aren’t cross platform.
Twitter - yes a really obvious one, but in this day and age being on Twitter is important. Whether it is tweeting personally, on behalf of clients or keeping an eye out for the latest news and views in the media, having a Twitter app should be a must. There are a whole host of apps available whether it is the official one or a third party one such as Tweetbot (which is my personal favourite).
Evernote – if like me your handwriting is deteriorating at a rate of knots, Evernote is a great app for jotting down notes and actions. Furthermore you can tag notes meaning you can find them quickly – gone are the days of trying unsuccessfully to find notes from an old note book. Best of all your notes are stored and synced in the cloud meaning you can access them on your mobile, tablet or desktop wherever you are.
Google Maps – always a useful one if you are trying to find a client’s or new business prospect’s office in deepest darkest Berkshire.
Yahoo News Digest - a relative new entry, but if watching Sky News 24/7 isn’t for you the Yahoo News Digest app is the ideal news source. The app aggregates news from a number of outlets and then twice a day presents the 7-10 top stories in an easy to digest format on your phone.
Wunderlist – when it comes to working on the agency side, being able to juggle tasks and deadlines is a must. Therefore, to-do list apps such as Wunderlist can make your life as a PR much easier. Again being a cross-platform app means that you can add/delete and access tasks on the go.
Feedly – as I have blogged before, RSS is still a very useful PR tool and I’ve found Feedly to be my app of choice. It is easy to set up feeds for all your key websites either as one big list or by category, which you can then access via the mobile or desktop app. If you are willing to spend a bit of cash and pay for Feedly’s premium service you can search for keywords within your feeds, which can certainly help when it comes to coverage tracking.
Anyway these are my top 6 choices, but do let me know if there are any you think I should add.