The art of storytelling in technology PR leads to a successful launch for Mobile Helix

Over the last month the team have been hard at work on a media launch for a client called Mobile Helix. It’s been a genuinely interesting project as they are taking a new approach to enterprise mobility. However, with so much noise and hype around enterprise mobility at the moment the challenge was differentiating Mobile Helix from the pack. How do you gain attention for a start-up in a world where reporters are being pitched upwards of a hundred mobility stories every week?
Clearly it’s about getting the story right. But that doesn’t just happen. Storytelling is an art and its clients that understand this that get the best results. The Mobile Helix team were happy to be challenged and actively looked for advice on how best to position what they were doing. They understood that we needed to develop a story that that was thought proving and insightful. It needed to have market context and talk to the industry challenges rather than simply focus on them and their product. To gain the attention of the business media we’d need to create a news hook beyond the company launch, something that a business reporter would see as a valuable story. In many ways these are the basics of PR, but you often see organisations neglecting them.
Spending the time on developing and refining the story, combined with some very skilful media pitching from the Spark team, resulted in some great results both in the UK and the US: 15 briefings and over 50 pieces of coverage in titles such as Techworld, V3, Network World and CIO Review. The icing on the cake was a piece in the Financial Times. Although we were all pleased with the coverage it was this feedback from the client that left us smiling:
“We are very happy with the results and you did a masterful job helping us find our voice and present it in a way that the media would understand and promote. In reality, we are very early in a long journey, and we are happy that you will be helping us along the way,” Matt Bancroft, Co-Founder and COO of Mobile Helix.