By Alex

Prams, scans and mobile apps

It has been a while since I have written a Spark blog post and one reason for this is that Baby Crawshaw is on the way next month – so rather than sitting in front of a laptop writing, spare moments have been taken up checking out the specs on the latest Bugaboo pram!

As a first time dad it’s th...

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By Tristan

Back to the Past of the Future

Although we’ve sadly not quite reached the stage where we’re about to find ourselves whizzing down the road in an attempt to reach the all important (and of course illegal) 88mph in a DeLorian just yet, the wonderful world of technology brought us one step closer to visiting the past this week.


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The Internet that knew too much

Earlier this month Google’s Chief Business Officer said we had to decide between “trust and convenience” when considering how our information is shared online.

The trade off seems to be between ease of use and the notion of personal information, and while internet companies appear to be leaving...

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By Lauren

Has Apple reprogrammed your child’s OS?

I recently saw the YouTube clip of the one year old that couldn’t understand that a magazine was not a touchscreen and getting very annoyed that the pages were completely static. For me, books and magazines will never be ‘the same’ on a touchscreen, but will they still have the edge for the next gen...

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By Dom

Home is where the heart is. Usually.

Last month, my family and I finally took the great leap into the 21st century and signed up for an unlimited home broadband contract. While the main difference has been an increased willingness to always use the HD option on iPlayer, it’s also meant that working from home is now near-identical to wo...

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