Have you got a social media policy?
An interesting report has come out of ACAS today on social media. Apparently one in ten companies don't have a social media policy, while six in ten of us are now using social media. No great surprise really - companies have form here. For example, it took an age for many companies to simply put i...
Continue reading...Jobs for the boys (sorry…)
In the PR world, you can’t really hide from the news if you want to do your job. As a result, Steve Jobs’ decision to step down as the CEO of Apple was pretty much everywhere. I’m not going to commentate directly on what Jobs apparently moving to a slightly different role within the company might...
Continue reading...Who said August was a quiet month?
Well, it certainly hasn't been in the world of technology. If you had said last month that Google would be buying Motorola's mobile business or that HP would be ditching its PC business, WebOS and just-launched TouchPad, you would probably have been given a few strange looks. But instead, this...
Continue reading...What the “Techie Tot” means for grown ups
A recent survey from Legal and General, on a topic other than umbrellas, found that more and more parents are concerned with their children’s obsession with playing with their expensive smartphones and tablets. 10% of those surveyed had even revealed that their children downloaded software without...
Continue reading...Be PRoud…..
A recent online debate from The Economist discussed whether the Internet is making journalism better or worse. One of the points raised was the issue of the Internet promoting ‘churnalism’. Linking to the Wikipedia definition of the term probably reflects the issue some have with churnalism in t...
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