By Dom

End of Days

It has been fascinating to chart the final days of an icon of capitalist success since its heyday in the 1980s. It seems a shame to close it down but, despite how much we might disagree with them, presumably those in charge must have had their reasons. Yes, we can point fingers and name names as muc...

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By Alex

Where have all the print magazines gone?

That was the question I asked myself when we were giving the Spark magazine library a much needed clear out the other week.  With New Media Age ceasing as a print publication and a few months previous, the likes of Computer Weekly and Microscope also going purely online, it does seem like we have re...

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By Kewal

Phone Fear

Those of you that know me might be saying “oh no not this old rant again…” but a couple of comments on Twitter and a posting on LinkedIn made me think about the age old discussion about PRs not using the phone. It was interesting to see that most people still thought phone-based communication is ess...

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As a ‘has been’ / wannabe DJ, the concept of mixing is firmly embedded in my psyche – switching from one tune to another by controlling the pace and rhythm of each individual track ( - pretty good basic explanation).

I’m sure that like me, most people have accidently applied...

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