The day before I joined Spark I decided to take the plunge and purchase myself the new 3G iPad. My reason for buying it was simple- I am a die-hard commuter. My entire journey to work and back currently takes me three hours each day, which means that by the end of this year, I will have spent 720 ho...
Continue reading...Desert Island No Discs
It was interesting to see Lovefilm recently reveal that its streaming business had overtaken its physical DVD, Blu-ray and game rentals for the first time. While it may still be a bit too early to write the obituary for physical media, announcements like this make it clear that times are changing...
Continue reading...Making History; One Tweet at a Time
There’s no shortage of discussion about how social media, and Twitter in particular is changing the way we communicate as businesses and individuals. New uses for its implementation in the PR and communications sphere continue to come to the fore on a regular basis, and at the beginning of April, I...
Continue reading...Diary of a not-so-early adopter
So, due to a defect in the build quality of my netbook I currently have no personal computer. While the Apple-acolytes were clamouring over each other for the “new iPad”, I am seriously considering going for the older iPad 2. Now, I could go for a laptop or ‘ultrabook’ that costs near the £1,000 ma...
Continue reading...Digital dependence
When my beloved smartphone recently was stolen and I found myself relegated to the ranks of a run of-the-mill handset user, a strange feeling came over me. I was anxious: how will I get around without my GPRS? Irritable: this is so frustrating! What if I get an urgent email? Without Facebook and T...
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