By Lauren

Blog Save the Queen

After the recent long weekend of patriotic fervour I started thinking about why the Brits should colonise social media.   When the Queen was born the UK’s economy was based on manufacturing, now its banking.   Not very inspiring is it?

So why should social media change things?  Firstly, because we...

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By Kewal

Do you know a SuperNova?

Remember the SuperNova awards from Constellation Research, well they are back again and the closing date for entries is the 22nd of June. I’m a judge again this year and if the quality of last year’s entries is anything to go by then some tough choices will have to be made. It seems that amongst a...

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The day before I joined Spark I decided to take the plunge and purchase myself the new 3G iPad. My reason for buying it was simple- I am a die-hard commuter. My entire journey to work and back currently takes me three hours each day, which means that by the end of this year, I will have spent 720 ho...

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By Alex

Desert Island No Discs

It was interesting to see Lovefilm recently reveal that its streaming business had overtaken its physical DVD, Blu-ray and game rentals for the first time.  While it may still be a bit too early to write the obituary for physical media, announcements like this make it clear that times are changing...

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By Tristan

Making History; One Tweet at a Time

There’s no shortage of discussion about how social media, and Twitter in particular is changing the way we communicate as businesses and individuals. New uses for its implementation in the PR and communications sphere continue to come to the fore on a regular basis, and at the beginning of April, I...

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