By Michelle

Top 5 Client PR Traits

Last week, we ran through some of the traits that successful tech PR pros need, but how about clients? The relationship between PR agency and client, be it a quick fling for a project or a marching down the aisle long-term retainer, is a two-way thing.

The best clients, and so those that are most...

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By Michelle

Top 5 Tech PR Traits

Public Relations is a changeable beast. It encompasses anything and everything from media relations to event management, to content production and far more in-between. It also spans every industry and imaginable niche. Nowhere is this truer than in tech PR; where conceivably, on a daily basis...

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Interview with Essential Retail editor, Ben Sillitoe

Spark recently caught up with Essential Retail’s editor, Ben Sillitoe, to provide us with an insight into the publication, how PR’s can best work with him, and his thoughts on the future of retail.  

What is the main purpose of Essential Retail **and how will the** title evolve over the ne...

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