PR: Turning a negative into a positive
The ‘selfie bench’ is now a thing. Last month a local council managed to turn a pretty fundamental foul-up into a massive publicity generator. Fans of the popular seafront at Porthcawl were left flummoxed when the Council installed two benches facing toward the road rather than toward the scenic oc...
Continue reading...Why the pursuit of progress isn’t always innovative
Over the last few decades, progress in the IT sector has been driven primarily by Moore’s Law: which states that overall computing power would double roughly every one and a half years and the cost drop. Indeed, 50 years later this has held true – to the point that modern computing chips now have so...
Continue reading...PR Bots: Is AI After Our Jobs?
As we edge closer to a science fiction future of robots and artificial intelligence, the question on everyone’s lips has been: what will this mean for us mere mortals? Google’s developed AI recently beat the world champion at GO – a feat many thought would be far beyond the technology as it requir...
Continue reading...The Internet of Things: What do journalists want to hear?
Every single member of our team at Spark interacts with the press on a regular basis, so forming long-term relationships with journalists plays a crucial role in the results we achieve for clients. I particularly enjoy taking the opportunity to catch up face-to-face, and last week was lucky enough t...
Continue reading...Making Sense of PR Speak – Part II
Last year, Alex wrote about the abundance of jargon that seems to find its way into considerable amounts of PR copy – with B2B PR being particularly afflicted by the jargon curse. With 2016 now firmly established, this is a good time to revisit the topic and have a look at some of the current phra...
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