By Dom

Sticks and Stones: Where does the PR language barrier lie?

Most people realised that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” wasn’t really true by the time we finished school. For anyone who held on past that, a career in PR is a pretty good way of finally banishing any lingering thoughts you might have. Words such as “leak,” “in...

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By Gus

Being the big fish in the big PR pond

The PRCA’s recent PR Census found that the UK PR industry is worth £12.9bn per year stemming from 83,000 PRs, a number that has risen by 21,000 since their last census in 2013. That rate of growth is staggering, and it stands to reason that as the pool gets larger the noise levels rise. In such a...

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When to respond – Hillary and hijacking the news

As an obsessive political junkie, the weeks since the Republican National Convention (RNC) have been nothing short of stunning. I’ve been glued to the news, rubbernecking all of the unhinged statements and general lunacy that has poured forth from the Trump campaign. Particular highlights have inclu...

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Top tips for feature coverage success

I came across a debate recently with a PR voicing her opinion on the lack of forward features being advertised on sites such as Gorkana and Features Exec. Yes, it’s true, publications rarely plan their features for the entire year, but this is merely a sign of the times. The nature of online media...

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By Alex

What have Brexit, Donald Trump and Pokémon Go got in common?

Unless you have been living in a cave for the last six weeks, it’s been almost impossible to avoid the news, with every other news story being about Brexit, Donald Trump and er ….Pokémon Go.  From a PR perspective, all three have been interesting to observe even if the results have been mixed, to sa...

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