Top tips for feature coverage success
I came across a debate recently with a PR voicing her opinion on the lack of forward features being advertised on sites such as Gorkana and Features Exec. Yes, it’s true, publications rarely plan their features for the entire year, but this is merely a sign of the times. The nature of online media...
Continue reading...What have Brexit, Donald Trump and Pokémon Go got in common?
Unless you have been living in a cave for the last six weeks, it’s been almost impossible to avoid the news, with every other news story being about Brexit, Donald Trump and er ….Pokémon Go. From a PR perspective, all three have been interesting to observe even if the results have been mixed, to sa...
Continue reading...Engaging influencers is the key to avoiding content shock
This post does a great job of explaining content shock, why it exists and why you should ensure you are prioritising quality of engagement rather than quantity.
In PR, the level of engagement with content is tested in real-time. We speak to our target audience and get their feedback. ‘Hi journ...
Continue reading...What broadcast and online video can do for your brand
We can all remember at least one TV appearance that has gone horribly wrong. Paxman repeating the same question to an increasingly awkward Michael Howard. From the fictitious meltdown of Frank Underwood to the all-too-real Anderson and the Bee Gees, we all cringe at the idea of being embarrass...
Continue reading...Bouncing ideas around: Bubble football with journalists
At Spark, we are known for our close relationships with journalists. Far from soulless press release churning machines, we have human conversations while speaking about our clients, and love to get the chance to meet key contacts in person. Recently that manifested itself in somewhat unconventional...
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