The vegan sausage roll shows Greggs is an astute PR machine…not just a baker
Greggs is a business tapping into the public mood, one that knows how to make itself relevant and interesting by tapping into current trends and creating opportunities to promote itself in a positive light. Recently, Greggs has once again been able to show it has an ear to the ground and executed a...
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Blade Runner Schmade Runner: What can tech PR learn from 2019 in the movies?
One thing PR loves is a good anniversary: if your technology chimes with viewers of, say, Back To The Future or Iron Man, then when it’s 10, 20 or 30 years since those films were released – or we hit the date they were set – you have a perfect opportunity to grab the public’s imagination. For in...
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My first three months of tech PR agency life
It’s safe to say that the only thing I really knew for sure after leaving University was that I wanted writing to be a big part of my career. Of course, at that time, I wasn’t quite ready to figure out what that career was going to be. I did a ski season, bartended, had a couple false starts in inte...
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The Iceland ad – Blurring the lines between PR, advertising, digital, social and owned
How many media categories does the Iceland Christmas advert fall into and which one is giving the best ROI? Even though it’s an advert it’s unlikely to be advertising, if a Christmas ad had been banned twenty years ago, advertising jobs would have been lost. Instead, because it works across many dif...
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Q&A with Warwick Ashford, Computer Weekly
We recently caught up with Warwick Ashford, Security Editor at Computer Weekly, to find out how he got into journalism and how he works with PRs.
How did you get into journalism? I liked writing and fancied broadcasting, so did a journalism degree and landed a job in radio news (even though I w...
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