By Cathy

Q&A with Charlie Osborne

For our latest journalist Q&A we caught up with cybersecurity journalist and regular ZDNet contributor, Charlie Osborne, to get her views on technology, journalism and PR.

What is your background, how did you get into journalism? My background is in medical anthropology, and as quite a few of...

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Listening to the news – top tech podcasts

We’re currently in the midst of an almost unbelievable podcasting boom – as of last month it’s estimated there are over 660,000 different podcasts currently being produced, an increase of more than 100,000 since June 2018! This is music to the ears of audiophiles like myself who burn through about...

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By Alex

Getting a pizza of the (PR) action

Despite Domino’s announcing the cheeseburger pizza recently (which is clearly a step too far!), it is fair to say we are fans of pizza in the office. With that in mind, about 6 months ago we started Pizza Friday – our monthly company lunchtime meeting where we get pizzas in and as a team share ide...

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