What to make of Google+

Alex By Alex

google-Plus-iconLike many people I was a bit sceptical when I heard that Google was making yet another attempt to get into the social networking space – Google Buzz anyone?  That of course didn’t stop me signing up for it once an invite came my way and admittedly liking it much more than I thought I would.

So is it just Google’s version of Facebook? If you believe this video then yes.

But it seems there is more to it than simply Circles replacing Walls.  It is certainly interesting to note that Google is already attempting to address the business market, something that Facebook in many respects just fell into due to its sheer popularity.

I for one think that Google+ has a good chance when it comes to business profiles, particularly with B2B companies who often find Facebook too consumer focused and LinkedIn too personal.  It may still be too soon to make such bold predictions (and this blog post could come back to haunt me), but we may have a new contender on the social networking block.