Welcome to the New Website and Brand Identity

Our new website is here. We practiced what we preach and did it properly - despite last year being our busiest year ever. It was an interesting experience to do some competitive analysis and then write our messaging and storyboards. It’s a regular occurrence for clients and is somehow harder when doing it for yourself. At first we thought it might feel a bit like trying to show off but it was actually an opportunity to pat ourselves on the back and wonder why we don’t make a little more effort to talk about the campaigns we have run for clients and what we believe is important and will define success or failure. It was interesting to see the diverse nature of what we do both in terms of creative ideas and also tactics. It’s also not just PR and it’s not always B2B or even technology. Big thanks everyone in the agency, especially the account directors, for their involvement in the process.
The Coverage Cup is still here and now has its own dedicated page so if all you want is to see our best results for the week then follow here. We probably won’t be offering an access all areas pass to the behind the scenes dirty tricks campaigning and political posturing that results in the ultimate weekly winner but do drop by on a Friday afternoon for a drink if you want to experience it live. We love doing the Coverage Cup each week - we have a fiercely competitive team and it allows them to show off not only the end-result but also the behind the scenes work that leads to the money shot. We’d like to share more of the planning and creative work that goes into each campaign so we are going to make much more of an effort to regularly add new case studies. We’ve also tried to give potential recruits more of an idea of what it’s like to work at Spark. Have a look at our join us page – it also links to the most recent blogs that are about us. We’ll also still be producing hints and tips on B2B PR and content creation, general musings on PR and interviews with interesting people on our blog.
Let us know what you think of the ‘new look’ Spark - we turned 18 this year so have officially reached adulthood.