Tech PRs should drink more

Carrying on from Al’s crowdsourcing post on what a tech PR wants for Christmas I thought I would ask around the office on what new year’s resolutions people had. Here is a selection of what some of the Spark team would like to achieve in 2014:
Drink more – Not one you would expect to see as a new year’s resolution as not exactly something you would associate with self-improvement, though nevertheless important for a PR. This was said particularly in reference to taking journalists out more, to further build relationships and have some fun at the same time. Of course the same should apply to clients, despite being in technology PR entertaining is still an important part of the job, not to mention a great way to quash the January blues :)
Write more blog posts – We can all sympathise with this one, while we know how important having a steady and regular flow of posts is, not only for readers but also of course for SEO value, writing blog posts can fall to the bottom of a very long to do list… Make sure you prioritise writing blog posts, as well as other non-client related work, once in a while this year.
Ask journalists what features they are writing – As journalists and indeed all of us are so time poor these days it is essential to make the most of any interaction. Asking what other articles journalists are writing about can save their time and yours and get you valuable opportunities for your clients.
Achieve better work life balance – This one from me; as an agency we are actually very good at this and don’t work till silly O’clock but it is always a good one to remember in PR given it is regularly touted as one of the most stressful jobs - I wonder who did the survey :) . Let’s all try and ensure we don’t let stress get to us this year and if all else fails drinking more should help ;)
Whatever your new year’s resolutions are good luck with achieving them and if you don’t think they are your thing, then read this great article on The Guardian on resolutions you shouldn’t be making. Also feel free to make your own suggestions for resolutions in the comments section below.
(Image: Quinn Dombrowski via Flickr Creative Commons)