Let’s do lunch

“Why a career in PR?” is a question that can draw some interesting responses. “Lunch” is a response I remember from one guy who I studied PR with at Bournemouth University. For him lunch is the most important meal of the day and PR professionals spend most of their time ‘doing lunch’.

Okay so lunch for most of us these days is a meal enjoyed in front of a computer. It might involve a flick through the Facebook pages or checking out that new garden Trimmer on the Homebase website (Picked it up on Friday. Can’t believe I’ve just admitted to this in a public forum and also decided it was worth linking to).

There are some occasions where it involves nice restaurants. There are others where, as Lorna Hughes will recall, you have to suffer pizza with a colleague who torments you with stories about DJing and the 90s.

I’ve recently taken to downing a burrito in the park around the corner from our new offices. Meera Lakhani is no doubt reading this and thinking “sad old git.” It is nice though. Just not sure what I’ll do when it rains (Okay so I am a sad old git).

Don’t get me wrong, it‘s good to meet up with people after work for a drink. Lunch just feels that much more social. Taking time out of the working day to have a good chat and refuel. If you don’t overdo it on the booze, it can also give you a nice boost for the rest of the day (until that afternoon caffeine kick at least. Or coffee with milk and no sugar, as Gary O’Sullivan likes it J).