Fact or fiction? - Bodyform’s video ‘The Truth’ is a great example of social media marketing

Over the years I have developed quite the hatred for Bodyform, shouting at the TV and mercilessly mocking every aspect of the adverts. However, my position has now been softened. In fact, I would go so far as to say they may have won me over.
Why? I recently came across Bodyform’s YouTube video ‘The Truth’, which was supposedly a response to a disgruntled comment on Facebook. The video has gone viral across the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and had nearly 3 million views – quite a feat when you consider the fact most people would normally avoid the subject matter at all costs!
The story goes that ‘Richard’ has left a message on the Bodyform Facebook wall; a humorous deconstruction of the myth of the ‘happy period’ so wantonly propagated in the Bodyform adverts. The post elicited a flurry of ‘likes’, amounting to over 80,000 endorsements and Bodyform was quick to respond, issuing a response labelled ‘The Truth’ from their CEO (although it is actually an actress as Bodyform doesn’t have a CEO).
This is a fantastic example of the power of social media. Bodyform identified a trend and swiftly turned it to their advantage. The video is a bit edgy, self-deprecating and at the end of the day it is funny. They have parodied their own marketing machine, while also asking the question; what were we meant to say? Who really wants to hear the truth? Now it is the people getting worked up and shouting at the TV who are taking it all a bit too seriously – after all, it’s just an advert!
Behind this, it is also sending the subliminal ‘I’m listening’ message. The message is personalised. Throughout the video our fictional CEO, Caroline Williams, mentions Richard by name, creating the image that Bodyform cares about its customers as individuals, not just sales figures and demographics. ‘Richard’ has expressed his views and Bodyform has taken the time to listen and issue a personal response.
The fact that ‘Richard’ is quite possibly a member of the Bodyform marketing team is incidental. He is just a vessel to address all critics and stereotypes, helping to reach a broader and more cynical audience to show that they are in on the joke. Our protagonist Richard may well be plant, but let’s face it, you should never let the truth get in the way of a good story!